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RT-qPCR Kits for SARS-CoV-2 virus

RNA Analysis in 6 minutes from sampling to PCR!

A safe and fully optimised RT-qPCR kit, covering both sample preparation and RT-qPCR. With the EasyFlow RT-qPCR kit with Oligo and Primer mixes.  From the sample arriving to being in a PCR machine (thermocycler) can be under 6 minutes.

The InstaSafe transport tubes are unique in combining with the viral release agent, to eliminate preparation when the samples arrives in the lab.  As the viral fragments are already released in the tube, there is no biosecurity hazard when the samples arrive in the lab.

White Paper on Optimal Molecular RNA Testing for CoVID-19

The benefits and limitations of antibody testing are described, answering questions on their accuracy, how long antibodies take to appear, how long they remain, QA issues and how they are used alongside RT-qPCR for viral RNA testing.

For the White Paper, Click here.

Ventilator Testing: Breathing Simulator iBreathe MkIV

Developed by another Deep Life Group company, Open Safety, the iBreathe MkIV is the most effective means to test ventilators and respiratory equipment currently available. It offers real time VWAI CO2, WOB, Breathing Resistance and other measurements, with sine, human and trapezoidal waveforms. Entire test sequences can be fully automated. The iBreathe MkIII is in stock and MkIV is available on accelerated lead times. For more information: Click here.


  • Introducer sheaths
  • Guiding sheaths
  • Guidewires
  • Angiographic catheters
  • Coronary catheters
  • Microcatheters
  • Embolics


  • Catheters
  • Microcatheters
  • Long Sheaths
  • Guidewires
  • Guide Catheters
  • Provue Retriever
  • Occlusion Baloon Catheters
  • Stent Systems
  • Detachable Coils
  • Electrical Surgical Device
  • Neural Monitors